A new Klass Vaki owner

I can't wait to hear feedback from her on her experience with Klass Vaki KBS2000!

Read this:

An article about Petro Groenewald, the inventor of the Klass Vaki KBS2000
Lumber Body Support (KBS2000) alters lumbar muscle recruitment patterns in patients with acute-upon- chronic lower back pain - K.L. Derman. E.W.Derman. T.D.Noakes Published S.A.M.J.Journal 1995
The back pain phenomena have been the subject of research study upon research study over decades without any marked success. In the meantime back pain has taken on epidemic dimensions on a global scale and the total associated cost soared over recent years.
Revolutionary discovery: Now a South African woman, who is neither a doctor nor a scientist, has discovered that the experts have been looking in the wrong places. Since the appearance of A First In The World invention KBS2000 Klass Vaki, back pain should no longer be a complex problem.
Over-stretched back muscle: Back pain is mostly caused by an over-stretched back muscle as well as back muscles going in a state of spasm and this causes the spinal column to be pulled out of alignment. Sciatica pain radiating down the leg, prolapsed discs and many other problems develop in this manner.
Research showed astonishing results: A simple every day task such as working in your garden or stretching out for an object can trigger this event. You might even think you have a broken back. The astonishing results conducted by scientist on behalf of the inventor prove that the problem is as simple as the FLAT surface on which we are spending one third of our lives.
People do not realize that the FLAT surface of a convention bed is foreign to the anatomy of the human body and has a long term destructive effect on health and often is the cause of severe and chronic back pain and mysterious pains. The FLAT surface causes a suspension bridge between shoulders and hip due to lack of proper balance support.
The Back Muscles the prime mover of man: The back muscles and related muscles are the prime mover of man in a physical sense. These muscles are continuously under pressure on the FLAT suface. The accompanying video will reveal how the use of theKBS2000, an ergonomically designed body support can help solve your back pain. The secret lies in intricate support system which protects the back muscles against painful back muscle spasms.

 How many Americans experience back pain? Take a guess...!

Ugh...oh this number is way too high, it hurts me to say it... 

Ready? 31,000,000 - yes, that's thirty one MILLION people - OUCH.

I'm going to share in this post a few factoids about back pain:

* one half of all working adults admit to back pain symptoms each year (this number does not reflect those individuals who'd prefer not to report their 'chronic' pain because they believe giving any 'energy' to the idea will make the pain worst, make other people feel sorry for them and because they are likely to be sleep deprived due to pain they also tend to feel cranky when they talk about it, and that is not a joke)

* Back pain is one of the most common reasons for missed work (it is only second to upper respiratory infections)

Most cases of back pain are mechanical or non-organic(meaning they're not caused by condiions such as inflammatory arthritis, infection, fractures or cancer)

* Americans spend a cool $50 BILLION each year on back pain(and that's just the easily identified costs, I wonder if they add in all the ant-inflammatory drugs/sleep aids)

* Experts estimate that aproximately 80% of the population will experience back pain at some time in their lives (oh, ouch again...this is not good news, though there is some relief and I will get to that soon)

This is my first post here...so, before I get into more information such as: causes of back pain and tips for preventing back pain and research and products, I'd like to hear from you.

Social media totally rules - so follow me @ZenLill on Twitter and check out my other site http://www.getyourlifebalanced.com/ or just leave a comment here! Click on 'comment' enter a 'call name' and an email address (real or fake, either works) and post a comment - tell me what you like, don't like, would like to hear about and do you like the look of this blog space?!

Till next time...Luv, Zen Lill and the KlassVaki team : )

What is Klass Vaki

You can use a complex electric bed system and adjust to a softer and harder surface or lower and higher elevation at the foot or head of the bed, but it is still a FLAT sleep surface, 
and it will never alleviate chronic back pain. 

If you are looking for relief from chronic back pain, you will see below a revolutionary invention, the Klass Vaki KBS200 body support system. It's inventor suffered extreme distress from chronic back pain for years before she researched and created this remarkable product. Klass Vaki has saved many from needless suffering, isn't it time you helped heal yourself while you get the rest you need?

Check out our side tabs for Klass Vaki medical research!

Healing Sleep = Klass Vaki

Klass Vaki KBS2000 body support system will change your life because when you get sleep and rest your muscles, your life changes for the better, ask anyone who has suffered from sleep deprivation caused by back pain, sciatica, scoliosis, arthritis, fibromyalgia or insomnia.
* Ergonomically designed
* Pressure equalizing orthopedic body support
Back Pain – the hidden nightmare revealed

Scientifically researched and published in Medical Journals
Don’t subject yourself, and your family to the unkind FLAT surface of a conventional bed, it is foreign to the anatomy of the human body

The Klass Vaki KBS2000 has an inner cover
and a zippered outer terry cloth cover
Questions? Please email Lillian.devin@gmail.com
Ready to Order 
the Klass Vaki KBS2000...
It's only $495.00 + $19.95 S/H 

Order your Klass Vaki KBS2000 today!

At an amazing low cost USD$495 the Klass Vaki KBS2000 
is your best choice for a body support system.

Klass Vaki KBS2000 body support system will change your life because when you get sleep and rest your muscles, your life changes for the better, ask anyone who has suffered from sleep deprivation caused by back pain, sciatica, scoliosis, arthritis, fibromyalgia or insomnia.

In fact, lack of fitful sleep, for any reason, is a great reason to use the Klass Vaki body support system! Why choose ‘good’ or ‘better’ when you can have the very best sleep surface ever? Why put up with chronic lower back pain when you can alleviate or eliminate it?

Please allow 2 weeks for delivery for your Klass Vaki KBS2000, the relief to your chronic lower back pain is on it’s way and good things take time to make and deliver!

If you’re unsure what size Klass Vaki KBS2000 body support system you’ll need, please email me @ lillian.devin@gmail.com

Relieve your chronic lower back pain today!

Sizing for Klass Vaki
540 – Medium (waist sz 30-34)
580 – Large (waist sz 36-40)
620 – X-Large (waist sz 40-44)
