Klass Vaki Research Videos

Klass Vaki Research Videos

If you like your information in a visual format, you’ve come to the right place!
Please watch all three Klass Vaki videos so you’ll have a full understanding of the Klass Vaki, it’s inventor’s vision as well as clinical studies and testimonials from people who’s lives were touched and forever changed by the Klass Vaki KBS2000 body support system.
I’ll give you a disclaimer to this video section based on your feedback and my response : )
Yes, the videos were taped long ago and far away, and no they do not contain short sound bites to walk away with, they are ‘dated’ perhaps, You’re right, that’s all true…

However, let’s not ‘shoot the messenger’ on this - this research is very important and seriously, if you’re an insomniac or suffer from chronic back pain, be it sciatica pain or scoliosis curvature or just plain mysterious cumulative back pain, you could spend the time to read between the ‘dated’ lines and understand that you just clicked onto a site that is about to change your life, and yes, when you sleep all night long on a Klass Vaki KBS2000, you will find your back pain alleviated if not entirely gone, you will find yourself enjoying the beauty of 5-6-8 straight hours of sleep and to you insomniacs out there I know that is music to your ears: it was and still is to.

Thank you for watching and if you have any further questions regarding Klass Vaki, please feel free to contact me by clicking on comments below here on this site or you may email me directly at lillian.devin@gmail.com